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Clarity and Truth


Do you know the relationship between clarity and truth?

Clarity reveals the truth of what is. This is not always the same as what we want to be true or wish to be true. CLARITY IS SEEING WITH OUR HEART’S WISDOM, WHICH HAPPENS WHEN OUR KNOWING ARISES FROM OUR TRUE NATURE INSTEAD OF OUR CONDITIONED NATURE.

Clarity shows us the truth of what is, without judgment. Intrinsic to clarity is acceptance of what is. We block our clarity to the degree we don’t want to see the truth of what is. Whether we block our clarity by acting out or denying it, both will create confusion and indecision.

Why would we block our clarity, because we hold certain self-images that we find acceptable and some that we don’t find acceptable. When clarity shows us we are acting in a negative way, that does not match the image we have of our selves, we deny it is true or blame others for causing us to be that way.

Our judgments about what clarity reveals to us will make us go into reactivity rather than take the appropriate action step. The appropriate action step is to allow what clarity shows us to “just be”. To do this takes courage and commitment and compassion. We don’t have to do anything about it, we don’t have to change, or be better or different. We just need to see what is so with kindness and acceptance. When we are willing to hold the truth in this way, more truth is revealed to us.

I see one area that clarity reveals the truth for me is my tendency to worry.

When I am able to acknowledge this without judgment and have compassion for myself the worry begins to dissolve and trust grows.

Now, let’s do an exploration. Sit in a comfortable up right position, relax your shoulders and close your eyes.

Ask yourself what is one area in my life in which clarity shows me something about myself that is difficult for me to accept. As you take that question inside bring your focus to four in breathes and four out breathes. Action Step: Allow whatever arises first, to be your answer, trust yourself and trust the process. Action Step: Acknowledge aloud this area and say I accept that this is so right now. If you see you don’t really accept this than ask yourself what am I afraid would happen if I accepted this about myself.

I invite you to share your experience and questions. I will be answering your questions.

It is never to soon to dissolve the blocks that get in our way.

Together we are growing in clarity, Radha Conrad, M.A.




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